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Pipeline Inspection & Integrity

Z Olive & Co. is one of the leading providers of pipeline service, leak detector services and inline inspection integrity services. Z Olive Pipetech provides the market with tailor made inspection solutions for both piggable and so-called, un-piggable pipelines. Using high resolution ultrasonic scanners and self propelled pigs, Z Olive & Co. has served the offshore market for a decade, provides highest inspection and cleaning services for pipelines. Its method inspection tools provide accurate information about the structural integrity of piggable and non-piggable pipelines. Our team of engineers cover all the required disciplines of mechanical and electrical engineering, software development, defect assessment, physical and materials science, NDT technology, pipeline operations and pigging skill. Z Olives & Co. offers MFL inspection with compact-size flexible and bidirectional tools, suitable for short radius bends and high wall thickness. It also offers ultrasonic pipeline inspection, accurate multichannel geometric pipeline inspection, GPS pipeline mapping using IMU, defect assessment and fitness-for-purpose analysis, free-swimming camera inspection, pipeline cleaning using chemicals or gel pigging and removal of black powder, wax and scale.

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